Successfully commissioning your interview – A guide to the interview process

After years of experience, we’ve honed our approach to identifying the perfect match between clients and candidates, focusing on three key elements: Technical Ability, Personal Motivation, and Character Fit.

Here’s a guide to help you navigate each phase of the interview process and leave a lasting impression.

Technical Ability

A great way to beat pre-interview nerves is to make sure you feel prepared. Before the interview take time to read the job description as well as your resume. In your mind identify projects or experiences that showcased your technical skills and recall specific situations where you contributed to the success of projects. Thinking about this before the interview will allow you to enter the interview feeling confident in your abilities, with your skills fresh in your memory if you are asked about them.

This is also your opportunity to visit the company website and the LinkedIn profiles of the meeting attendees to get an idea of the company culture and the type of projects they work on. This not only aids preparation but can also equip you with insightful questions for the interviewers. These can range from questions about the type or size of projects you will work on, the other members of the team you will be a part of or any other questions that will help you understand the role and if it will suit you. Questions about salary, leave days and other contract information can be answered by your recruiter directly.

You may be asked a question you don’t know the answer to in the interview. In this case, respond honestly and outline your approach to finding a solution. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your values, willingness to learn, and resourcefulness.

Personal Motivation

We want our candidates to be placed in positions where they will add value to the team. We also encourage our clients to place our candidates in positions that will suit them and bring out the best in them. So, be sure that you can explain why you feel a position is right for you and why you believe you could thrive in it. This could mean being able to articulate your personal motivations and what you hope to achieve in the position during the interview.

If you’re pursuing a role that involves relocation, anticipate questions about your plans and motivations for the move. Take the time to envision your life in the Netherlands and if you have a family, be sure to include them in your vision. Demonstrating thoughtful consideration about what relocating will entail and why you’re drawn to living in the Netherlands can be reassuring for an interviewer. We want our clients to share our vision of creating long-term success for our candidates and their families so you should be prepared to share what that would look like for you and your family.

Character Fit

We want our clients to hire candidates who they feel will complement and enjoy the teams they are placed in, Communication is a big part of this, try to keep in mind that being yourself and connecting with the interviewer is one of the primary goals of your interview. Doing so will allow them to get a glimpse of your personality and the type of character that you will bring to the team.

Practical Checklist for Online Interviews

Try to eliminate any distractions that could take away from the impression you are making.

  • Check your Wi-Fi connection (before the interview) to ensure it is as good as possible.
  • Find somewhere free of noise and distraction to sit, preferably with your back to a blank backdrop like a wall. If you sit somewhere with a view of the room behind you move the laundry basket (you know what we mean) out of the view.
  • Check the lighting and make sure you are well-lit. If you wear glasses check that there are no reflections blocking the view of your eyes.
  • It is ideal to have the meeting on a laptop, if that is not possible you can call in on your phone but then it is best to set up the phone in front of where you are so that you can use both hands and be fully in view when you speak.
  • Make sure to look professional and that the interviewer feels they have your full attention.

In conclusion, each interview is an opportunity to not only showcase your skills but also to have a positive experience with those you meet. It’s not just about ticking boxes on a checklist but creating a positive and memorable experience for both you and the interviewers.